Multifunction EV Charger Testing Kit


FEV300 test adopter can perform multiple tests including ground fault checks, insulation of wires, and measuring voltage without requiring an EV, it acts as an electric vehicle when connected to a charging station for the easy performance and maintenance testing.

Fluke’s FEV300 with 1664 FC Multifunction Installation Tester is a complete kit designed to test the function and safety of charging stations mode 3 for AC charging. The tester allows testing all local regulations without opening the charging station. It can allow the operator to safely verify whether a charging station is working properly during maintenance or inspection of the charger and help ease the process of troubleshooting a charging station if it is not delivering the appropriate charge.

Electric Vehicles replacing the ICE is great news for our environment, but the rate of adoption of an electric vehicle depends on multiple factors which include the availability of EV chargers and the safe operation of chargers. Since EV chargers handle a large amount of power, especially during an EV is being charged, it is important to make sure that any mishaps don’t happen. To ascertain the safe operations of EV chargers, Fluke is simulating an electric vehicle attached to a charging station with its latest tester called the FEV300. The tester allows the output of a Mode 3 ac charger with connector types 1 and 2 to be tested in accordance with IEC/HD 60364-7-722 and IEC/EN 61851-1.

EV charging is done using both single and three-phase supplies at 230 or 400V. Fast chargers or Mode 3 chargers provide 3.7 to 22kW which is a very dangerous amount of power if not handled properly. So, it is mandatory to establish proper communication, before EV chargers start transferring power to the vehicles. Therefore, equipment such as the FEV300 is critical piece of equipment use in the installation and mandatory routine testing of Mode 3 EVCS.

According to the company, the FEV300 PE grounding protection pre-test verifies that there is no presence of dangerous voltage at the ground terminal. The FEV300 can also be connected with a 1664 FC to run seven installation tests automatically in one sequence through a single connection. The 1664 FC tests to all local regulations and allows you to share test results in real-time over your smartphone via Fluke Connect Measurements.

“The energy which is transferred was previously mostly used in industrial environments – and now it is provided directly to private vehicles,” said Fluke technologist Hans-Dieter Schuessele. “The FEV300 includes safety features such as a touch electrode function which quickly displays if there is a high-risk earth fault and safety sockets which are covered by plastic lids to protect the connectors in wet weather conditions.”

Features of FEV300:
PE Pre-Test: Safely pre-test the PE conductor for the possible presence of dangerous voltage against the earth
Proximity Pilot (PP) state “Cable Simulation”: The PP State rotary switch enables the adapter to simulate various current capabilities of charging cables
Control Pilot (CP) state “Vehicle Simulation”: Use the CP State rotary switch selector to simulate various charging states
Simulation of CP error “E”: Simulate PE error (Earth fault)


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