Sinusoidal Signal Generator With Forward And Inverted Outputs


During the testing of audio systems and telephone-like systems, it is useful to have a sinusoidal signal generator that produces forward and inverted signals in the range of around 15Hz to 15kHz. Here is one possible way of making that signal generator.

This signal generator can also be used as a sine wave oscillator, a telephone amplifier, or a low-frequency audio amplifier/driver, etc. Here we will try to make a fixed-frequency sine wave oscillator that produces four frequencies.

IC LM272 is a low-cost, easy-to-use, unity-gain, stable, dual-power operational amplifier (op-amp) that is mainly used in control applications like servo motors, power supplies, compact discs, VCRs, etc. But LM272M used in this circuit can do much more than that.

This project will be published in a few weeks. If you want to access it now, refer to Electronics For You’s August 2022 Issue–print or ezine edition.


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