E-ink/E-paper displays are amazing. Super crisp images, high visibility inside or outdoors, and that super efficient “only needs power when changing the image” efficiency for long battery life. The downsides, well, they can be hard to incorporate and connect into projects and they can be somewhat expensive components. The EPDiy V7 E-paper controller seeks to address both these issues.
Cleverly the EPDiy project targets E-ink displays sold as replacements for existing e-readers. There is a lot of technical reading and information across the project pages about what models of e-ink display this board can drive. Still, if you’re looking to get going as quickly as possible there is a list of tested displays available to view here.
We keep mentioning e-readers and e-ink, but really there are no limits as to what you could build with this controller. Indeed, e-ink is fabulous for all manner of displays and project dashboards. Many examples and ideas are spread across the documentation and the wider reading back on the original EPDiy repository. To further help you realise your dream display there is also a stack of relevant 3D models for cases and covers for this controller board and other often-used additional components.
If you’ve wanted to play around with e-ink but balked at the complexity or expense, definitely take a look at the product page and check out the world of cheap e-ink displays!
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